Wednesday, September 4, 2019

14 by Peter Clines

Picked by Beth - October 8th 2019 Meeting

30-something Nate hates his job. He has no money in the bank. No girlfriend. No plans for the future. So, he has other things on his mind when he ends up moving into an old brownstone apartment building in LA, with suspiciously cheap rent. The neighbors are quite the group: the artist who likes to sun herself on the roof deck in the nude; the hacker who arranges free wi-fi for the building; the mysterious ‘text book publisher’ who displays unusual skills, and more.
The building holds secrets; more than one door is locked with a series of deadbolts and/or padlocks. There’s a perfect apartment which no one rents because people keep dying there. The hacker’s room is always 69° F, no matter the time of year or anything she tries to do to alter it. There are no power lines coming to the building, yet it has zero power problems. Nate and the others gradually become obsessed with finding out what’s going on, and that obsession may kill them–and take the rest of the world with them.

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