About Us

Home_Photo_books.jpgWe started out as a few grown-ups looking for other grown-ups to talk with about "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" shortly after it was published in July 2007.  We wanted to commiserate and celebrate the culmination of the series from our perspective.  Since then, the group has grown and we've gathered each month around a glass of wine, beer or even Amaretto sours.  We catch up on family and our beloved pets (is there a difference?), job changes, pop culture and the newest technology toy that Tom or Dick has procured so the rest of us can just drool.  Oh, and we discuss the latest book pick.

We only have one rule - spoilers allowed.  We don't prevent anyone from discussing the full book even if someone (occasionally more than one someone!) hasn't finished reading it yet.

And even though we all have strong opinions about the types of books we enjoy reading, the goal is to be exposed to books (and thoughts and characters and places and times and events) we would not ordinarily choose for ourselves.  It's about getting out of our comfort zones and expanding our literary universe. 

From Harry Potter to "The Kite Runner," "Lamb" to "A Different Kind of Same as Me," the book selections are as diverse as the opinions they generate!

We're always looking for new members!  Join us in person or online!  Sorry to say, it's totally BYOB for online!