Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Discovery of Witches

Picked by Barb

Here is the book that I have chosen for book club this month.  I saw a review of the book in USA Today and it said that if you like Harry Potter and Twilight you will enjoy this grown up tale.  This book is the first for the author and the first in a trilogy.  The book is new enough that it hasn’t come out in paperback.  I checked online and Amazon has it for $14.99 and BN for $15.07 (if a member).  The download for Kindles is 12.99.

Our next book club date is Tuesday, April 12th.


  1. I finished the book today on Kindle. I had no idea it was 592 pages long when I purchased it. And, I didn't read closely that this was the first of a trilogy. I think you made a great choice, Barb. There are things I really didn't like about the book, but I'm glad to have read it. Can't wait to talk about it with the group!

  2. I had seriously hoped to join the BC last night as, for the first time in far too long, I began actively reading the BC book before the meeting.

    I am approximately 50% through and am enjoying it for the greater part. I have some personal blocking with her writing style that is causing this to be a slower read than normal, but the end-product is sufficiently enjoyable enough that I think I can recommend it as a casual read. I don't care too much one way or another about the characters, but I do find myself interested in where they came from and how they got to where they are. So, I'll continue reading this one and, hopefully, will be finished by the next meeting. :-)

    Love the icon, Sarah.
