Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Forgers by Bradford Morrow

 Picked by Dick - January 13th 2021 Meeting

From critically acclaimed novelist Bradford Morrow, called “a mesmerizing storyteller who casts an irresistible spell” by Joyce Carol Oates and “one of America’s major literary voices” by Publishers Weekly, comes The Forgers, a richly told literary thriller about the dark side of the rare book world.

 The rare book world is stunned when a reclusive collector, Adam Diehl, is found on the floor of his Montauk home: hands severed, surrounded by valuable inscribed books and original manuscripts that have been vandalized beyond repair. Adam’s sister, Meghan, and her lover, Will—a convicted if unrepentant literary forger—struggle to come to terms with the seemingly incomprehensible murder. But when Will begins receiving threatening handwritten letters, seemingly penned by long-dead authors, but really from someone who knows secrets about Adam’s death and Will’s past, he understands his own life is also on the line—and attempts to forge a new beginning for himself and Meg. In The Forgers, Morrow reveals the passion that drives collectors to the razor-sharp edge of morality, brilliantly confronting the hubris and mortal danger of rewriting history with a fraudulent pen.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The List of Seven by Mark Frost

Picked by Tom - December 16th 2020 Meeting

On Christmas Day 1884, a desperate plea from a mysterious woman leads Arthur Conan Doyle – struggling physician, aspiring writer, and part-time demystifier of the occult – to a séance in London’s East End and into a fiendish and deadly trap.

Stunned by a shocking display of black magic, Doyle witnesses a murder, nearly falling victim himself before being rescued by a secretive stranger:  Jack Sparks, a man who claims to be special agent to Queen Victoria.  He tells Doyle that he has been targeted by a diabolical coven of Satanists – The Dark Brotherhood.

 As they track their attackers across the length and breadth of Britain, assailed by forces of darkness both human and supernatural, Conan Doyle and Sparks unmask a terrifying conspiracy that threatens not only the Crown but the very fabric of modern civilization.  Their only clue:  a list of seven names, the leaders of the Brotherhood.